Last Friday, I had my annual eye exam with my ophthalmologist. The results were that my vision hasn’t changed much since my last exam (I don’t need a new prescription), my cataracts are about the same (I should think about cataract surgery, but it’s not yet critical), and, while the vision in my left eye is pretty weak, I’m not legally blind, so I can continue to drive. I made my next appointment with him for this time next year.
Another day, another doctor’s visit, it seems like. Except, not next month. Looking at my calendar, I see that I don’t have a single doctor’s visit scheduled for the month of June. This is pretty amazing because it has been at least a year since I had a month without seeing a doctor. Going back as far as June of 2018 when I saw my primary and he referred me to someone to look at the lumps in my left arm, which led to a biopsy, scans and surgery in July, and treatment in August, it has been a full dance card of medical appointments, including immunotherapy, a trip to the ICU with DKA, then colitis, etc. If you’ve been reading this blog, you know the whole history, or at least enough of it to appreciate what a lovely vacation the month of June is going to be for me.
I’m not sure how I’m going to spend my June vacation. Going to work and getting caught up on my PTO balance, for one. Enjoying the summer for another. There are some things I want to get started, but those are topics for another post. Most importantly, I want to spend time with and enjoy my family. I can’t remember if I’ve shared this before, but we’ve recently welcomed three more members into our family. Back when I was dealing with colitis, we re-homed the six baby chicks because we weren’t sure that we would have the time or energy to care for them. Since the future, or at least the summer, is looking rosier, we have taken back three of the original six chicks. Turns out that the woman we gave them to soon discovered that six rapidly growing chicks was more than she could handle. Anyway, welcome back to Buttercup, Dumpling and Pop Tart. I seem to recall in an earlier post promising more cute chick pics. Well, here they are, but those cute chicks aren’t babies anymore.