Welcome to To the Moon and Back, a shared diary of one couple’s journey with melanoma. This diary will show both perspectives of the journey, Rich’s perspective as the husband/patient and Lynn’s perspective as the wife/caregiver. We hope that what we share will be of interest to other couples who have embarked on similar unplanned journeys, whether it be melanoma, other cancers, or any serious illness.
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Monthly Archives: February 2019
Just Listen
When Rich was first diagnosed I was really spinning around. I talked to people about what was going on and frequently I was given advice on how I should or shouldn’t be feeling or thinking. These people were not random … Continue reading
Just ask
I was talking with Lynn this morning about how fortunate I felt. I know I have melanoma, and now diabetes, but the melanoma isn’t affecting my daily life at this point. I can do the things I could before and … Continue reading
Stage IV Cancer & Type 1 Diabetes
I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been pretty frustrated lately and didn’t want to write a whiny post. Maybe if I just toss it all out it will resonate with some other frustrated person out there. I would … Continue reading
Aging gratefully
There’s an old saying that goes “growing old isn’t so bad once you consider the alternative.” While I’ve always understood and agreed intellectually, the truth of this adage has really struck home with my diagnosis. In addition to the cancer, […] Continue reading
Learning to accept good news
Bewildered, Bewildered,You have no complaintYou are what your are and you ain’t what you ain’tSo listen up Buster, and listen up goodStop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood John Prine, “Dear Abby” OK, as much as I love […] Continue reading
Living in the Gap
Rich had his CT and MRI today and as I was waiting I was having all sorts of emotions and thoughts. The last time I felt like this was when he was diagnosed. The idea of having him have a … Continue reading