Daily Archives: January 24, 2019

Aches and Pains – to call or not to call

Rich scheduled his next scans for the beginning of February. His next treatment is on the 7th so we will find out then how things are then. Keeping my fingers crossed the report is the same (or better)than the last. … Continue reading

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Two Stories, One Journey

When Rich suggested that we both write, on one site, about our journey with melanoma I had to think about it for a little while. I’m looking forward to it but I’m still a I’m still a little unsure where … Continue reading

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Waiting and worrying

I’ve currently been on treatment for six months. In that time, I’ve had good response in that, according to my most recent scans, my tumors have either shrunk or remained the same size, and no new tumors have popped up. … Continue reading

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